welcome to everydayras! this is an account where i post raise a suilen from bandori (occassionally)!here i mostly post either new content like new cards or events, and some clips/translations of current content!i also retweet art of ras and content of their concerts from their seiyuus :) we're all having a chill time here :3


hi! i'm the daily ras account mod and you can call me rasmod, admin, or shelby! anything works ^_^ my main account is at @granolafaerie!i am a transmasc lesbian (he/they) who loves raise a suilen with all my heart and them as a band are incredibly special to me, and that's why i started this account! to bring joy to you guys' timelines just as they have for me :^)


do not interact if you are "proship/pro-fiction" or genuinely believe that shipping incest or pedophilia is okay; this goes for sexualizing minors also.fetishize lesbians/LGBTQ people and/or their relationships.believe in/support/are an "MSPEC lesbian" and believe they are attracted to men.


i'd appreciate if you kept the QRTS and replies friendly! i'd prefer if we all just chill and keep ourselves out of drama :^)everyone in RAS is a minor (Rokka, Rei, and Masuki are older than 15 but younger than 18. Pareo and Chu2 are 14.) so please don't interact in an NSFW manneri post occassionally and not too often because i'm busy!